Help Me Grow

Help Me Grow (HMG) offers two voluntary programs free of charge to prenatal women, children, and families:

  • HMG Early intervention provides family-centered services for infants and toddlers to age 3 with a developmental delay, disability, or a medical condition likely to result in a delay or disability.
  • HMG Home Visiting provides first time expectant or new parents the information and support they need to be prepared for the birth of their child and provides ongoing education and support for families to maximize their child’s health and development to age 3.

Help Me Grow Early Intervention
Do you have a concern about your child’s development?

For more information or if you’re interested in enrolling, please call us at 937-548-4196 ext. 212

  • HMG Early Intervention service needs are determined by a multidisciplinary team who evaluates and/or assesses the child’s developmental needs.
  • The team is led by a Service Coordinator who will work to assist and enable a child with a delay or disability and the child’s family to receive services and rights as afforded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
  • Children and their families will transition when they complete needed services or when the child turns age three, with supports to move on to the next phase of growth & development.

Help Me Grow Home Visiting

Home Visiting matches parents with a trained Home Visitor who comes to wherever the family lives. Their Home Visitor is a friendly, trained, and experienced person who can answer questions about pregnancy or being a parent and can help find services that help families care for themselves and their children.

  • The HMG Home Visiting Program works with and supports families and helps them set and reach their goals.
  • In home services include: parenting education, ongoing screenings, coordination and referrals for community resources, transition at age 3.

For more information or if you’re interested in enrolling, please call us at 937-548-4196 ext. 259

Help Me Grow services are housed at and provided by the Darke County General Health Department 300 Garst Avenue Greenville, OH 45331

Learn more about the Home Visiting Program by watching this link: Ohio Help Me Grow Home Visiting – YouTube

Visit the state website at Help Me Grow | Ohio Department of Health