Welcome to Darke County Job and Family Services (DCJFS), your go-to resource for essential social services designed to support and empower individuals and families in our community. We are committed to providing comprehensive assistance in various areas to ensure the well-being and self-sufficiency of our residents.

Services We Offer

1. Public Assistance Programs

Food Assistance

Our Food Assistance program, also known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), helps eligible individuals and families purchase nutritious food. We aim to reduce hunger and improve nutrition and health in the community.

Cash Assistance

The Ohio Works First (OWF) program provides temporary cash assistance to families in need, promoting work and self-sufficiency. This program is designed to support families as they work toward financial independence.

Medical Assistance

Medicaid offers free or low-cost health coverage to eligible individuals, including children, pregnant women, seniors, and people with disabilities. We help residents navigate the application process and access essential medical services.

2. Child and Family Services

Child Protective Services

Our Child Protective Services (CPS) team is dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of children. We investigate reports of child abuse and neglect and provide services to support and protect vulnerable children.

Foster Care and Adoption

We offer foster care and adoption services to provide safe and nurturing homes for children who cannot remain with their birth families. Our team supports foster and adoptive parents through training, resources, and ongoing assistance.

3. Workforce Development

Employment Services

Our Workforce Development program helps job seekers find employment and advance their careers. We offer job search assistance, resume writing workshops, interview preparation, and access to job training programs.

OhioMeansJobs Darke County

In partnership with OhioMeansJobs, we provide a range of employment and training services to help individuals gain the skills needed for today’s job market. Our resources are available to both job seekers and employers.

4. Child Support Services

Our Child Support Services team works to ensure that children receive the financial support they need from both parents. We assist with establishing paternity, setting up child support orders, and enforcing payments.

5. Adult Protective Services

We are committed to protecting vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Our Adult Protective Services (APS) team investigates reports and provides interventions to safeguard at-risk adults.

How to Apply for Services

Applying for services at DCJFS is simple and accessible. You can apply online, by mail, or in person at our office. Our friendly staff is here to guide you through the application process and answer any questions you may have.