Long-Term Care (LTC) Medicaid will pay for care in a nursing home, certified assisted living facility or in the recipient’s home or other settings through either Nursing Home Medicaid or Home and Community Based Waiver Programs. An applicant must meet certain financial requirements and functional (medical) requirements to qualify for these programs. The financial requirements vary by the applicant’s marital status and what type of LTC Medicaid they are applying for.

Nursing Home Medicaid – Covers the cost of care in a nursing home for an individual that meets the necessary level of care, income, and resource requirements. Coverage includes payment for room and board as well as all necessary medical and non-medical goods and services. It does not include coverage for a private room, comfort items not considered routine, and any care not considered medically necessary. Recipients of this type of Medicaid are generally required to pay most of their monthly income to the facility for their care except for a personal needs allowance ($50), medical insurance premiums, and Medicaid-approved community spousal and/or family allowance payments.

Home and Community-Based Services Waivers – Provides in-home and community care for the elderly and/or disabled individuals who meet the necessary level of care. Coverage includes payment for such services as nursing, personal care, homemaking, respite care, home adaptations, and home-delivered meals. It does not pay for room and board. For more information on these programs, you can call the Ohio Benefits Long-Term Services and Supports at 1-844-644-6582 The following waiver programs are available:

Passport Waiver – Provides in-home services to individuals age 60 and older who need help with daily living activities and would otherwise need to reside in a nursing facility. For more information, you can contact Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley at (937) 658-4593.

Ohio Home Care Waiver – Provides in-home services to disabled individuals age 59 or under who need help with daily living activities and would otherwise need to reside in a nursing facility.

Assisted Living Waiver – Provides long-term care benefits to persons who require a nursing facility level of care but instead live in a certified assisted living facility. Services will be provided based on each individual needs and circumstances.

Individual Option and Level One Waivers – Provides support services for persons of any age with developmental disabilities. For more information, please call the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities Board at (877) 464-6733.